Blogger of the Month| LoulaBelleRose

Guess what's back [back, back], back again [again, again]? My Blogger of the Month series, that's what, wooooo! The series took a break in February but it has returned and I kinda thought I would combine both Feb and March together because why the devil's not! I am sooooo excited to share with you the bloggers I have chosen because she's a good'un!

A little reintroduction to the series. This monthly series focuses on one blogger who I've been loving in that month. I will give three reasons why they are my blogger of the month and include all their social media links, so give them some loooooove! Best thing about it? The blogger doesn't know about this until I publish the post and share it so hopefully it'll be a nice surprise for them!

So on with February/March's Blogger of the Month...

Reasons why Lauren is my Blogger of the Month...
  1. She is such a fabulous blogger. Her writing is raw, original, real and honest, something that I value a lot in a blogger personally. She has been smashing it in terms of her blog's content for a while now but given her recent posts, for example 'I am more than my skin', 'The Monthly Edit #1' and 'Feminist is not a dirty word', it's given us [the reader] an insight to Lauren's life and as a person, not just a blogger. Honestly, please read her blog if you haven't, it is definitely one of my favourites!
  2. So I stalk Lauren's Instagram daily [I ain't even sorry] because have you seen her photos though??? They are fab-u-lous! Her funny captions have me in stitches, her photos are always high quality and stunning, they add a pop of colour to your feed, and have you seen her dog? Like I want her dog so badly. SO. BADLY.
  3. She is a beautiful person, inside and out. She isn't afraid of saying it how it is, to be real and brutally honest when it comes to things, not just on her blog too. Her tweets are hilarious, her Instagram is fabulous, but most importantly, Lauren is a wonderful human being, whose personality just shines in her writing and online.
And there we go, second Blogger of the Month done and dusted!
Find out who's April's next month!
Until next time

All photographs are my own


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