This is Halloween, Spider Makeup

Final Halloween makeup look now and it comes in the shape of the eight legged creepy crawlies, spiders. Well a spider's web! Read my two other spooky make up tutorial: cat and witch!
I hate spiders but this look is really easy to do and is perfect for the scary day that is coming soon in little over a week (yey)!
So here is 'This is Halloween| Spider Makeup'...

For the makeup you will need:
Black eyeliner (I used both pencil and liquid), black lipstick, black eye shadow, foundation, mascara.
1. Apply some foundation on your face, making sure it is well rubbed in.
2. Take the liquid eyeliner and starting from the centre of your eyelid, draw down and create a flick going up when you reach your outer eye corner. Then from the inner corner draw a line and connect them together.
Now take the pencil eyeliner. On your waterlines draw from the inner to outer corner and under your bottom lashes. After connect both the upper and bottom lines in the inner corner.

3. Now to draw the spiders web on one of your eyes. Draw five lines around the eye going around. Carefully draw semi circles from line to line and do this for all.
I used my pencil eyeliner for this but you can use the liquid one if you wish!
4. I quickly just gently tapped some black eye shadow around my eyelids and underneath my lower lashes then put some mascara on.
5. Finally, take your black lipstick, put it on and you are done!
The final look...

This look is simple, it only took me about 15 minutes to do but make sure you do allow the eyeliner time to dry.
The spider headband is from Wilkos and costs £3, it is so cute and soft! I love it so much!
I have named him Mr Leggy... Original I know!
Well there you have it! A spider's web with a massive spider on your head! What more do you want for the spooky day?!
Until next time
All photographs are my own!


  1. haha this look is brilliant! So creative I love it! XX


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